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The Hare and the Bride  Painting by Tiago Azevedo

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Comments (15)

Piter Van Moort

Piter Van Moort 20 Days Ago

Congratulations on your sale!

Sunil Kapadia

Sunil Kapadia 20 Days Ago


Tiago Azevedo

Tiago Azevedo

The Hare and the Bride Painting by Tiago Azevedo A still life of a young Hare where the animal is painted within a hyperrealist manner, in the sequence of a fascination for landscape, plants, and animals. The reflection in the hare's enlarged eye is used to add extra vitality such as the use of texture and light to add life. The animal has highlighted ears and is imbued with a warm golden light that gives life to the animal. He has almost a humanlike expression where you can see his apprehensiveness in the grass field. The hare appears in English folklore in the saying As Mad as a March Hare and in the legend of the White Hare that alternatively tells of a witch who takes the form of a white hare and goes out looking for prey at night or of the spirit of a broken-hearted maiden who cannot rest and who haunts her unfaithful lover. This creature has been a part of mythology, especially Celtic, since the beginning of time. In this story, there is a cottage with a woman and her daughter with a garden full of cabbages. Except there is a hare that is always coming and eating the cabbages. So the mother tells her daughter to go get rid of the hare and a relationship between the animal and the girl begins.

Damiao Silva

Damiao Silva


Tiago Azevedo replied:

thank you friend

Tiago Azevedo

Tiago Azevedo

Thank you so much Leif :)

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

The Hare is a beautiful painting Tiago.

Tiago Azevedo replied:

ohh, thank you so much

Amy Margolis

Amy Margolis

Very cool emotional Rabbit

Tiago Azevedo replied:

thank you friend

Marian Voicu

Marian Voicu

Fantastic painting!! L/F

Tiago Azevedo replied:

thank you friend

Kathy Franklin

Kathy Franklin

Such an awesome image!!! Love it! Fav

Tiago Azevedo replied:

thank you so much

Tiago Azevedo

Tiago Azevedo

Thank you so much Gabrielle!

Tiago Azevedo

Tiago Azevedo

Thank you Lynn, the eyes are a way of showing emotion I am so happy you liked it :)

Lynn Jackson

Lynn Jackson

Very nice Tiago, love the blue eyes, L/F!

Tiago Azevedo replied:

thank you my friend

Deborah Benoit

Deborah Benoit

Beautiful!! l/f

Tiago Azevedo replied:

Thank you so much Deborah :)

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The Hare and the Bride  by Tiago Azevedo
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