Sleeping Beauty Painting by Tiago Azevedo Pop Surrealism Art

by Tiago Azevedo
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20.000 x 28.000 x 1.500 inches
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Sleeping Beauty Painting by Tiago Azevedo Pop Surrealism Art
Tiago Azevedo
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Sleeping Beauty is a creation inspired in the Grimm Fairytales and the Disney movie interpretation. It is the most lavishly detailed of the series that I have painted to date including all my favorite elements of the big wide eyes interpreted in a Lowbrow Pop Surrealist manner.
This painting is filled with the enchantment of the original story. From the medieval garments and jewelry that Briar Rose was gifted by the three good fairies to the magnificent castle where Princess Aurora would awaken to love's first kiss. then in the distance, we imagine the climactic fight between the good Prince Phillip and the evil Maleficent in dragon form. The original story is called The Sun, the Moon, and Talia, written, or at the least collected and composed, by the Italian poet Giambattista Basile.
The entire story was interpreted in a narrative portrait for all to enjoy. Of course central to the painting, and as a testament to the strength of true love, we can root for the prince and his awakened beauty in each other's arms as friends great and small gather in celebration of their undying devotion. Whether you are a fan of Sleeping Beauty or simply an unabashed romantic who believes love conquers all.
December 5th, 2015
Comments (7)

Tiago Azevedo
The Slumber of Sleeping Beauty Painting by Tiago Azevedo Sleeping Beauty is a creation inspired in the Grimm Fairytales and the Disney movie interpretation. It is the most lavishly detailed of the series that I have painted to date including all my favorite elements of the big wide eyes interpreted in a Lowbrow Pop Surrealist manner. This painting is filled with the enchantment of the original story. From the medieval garments and jewelry that Briar Rose was gifted by the three good fairies to the magnificent castle where Princess Aurora would awaken to love's first kiss. then in the distance, we imagine the climactic fight between the good Prince Phillip and the evil Maleficent in dragon form. The original story is called The Sun, the Moon, and Talia, written, or at the least collected and composed, by the Italian poet Giambattista Basile. The entire story was interpreted in a narrative portrait for all to enjoy. Of course central to the painting, and as a testament to the strength of true love, we can root for the prince and his awakened beauty in each other's arms as friends great and small gather in celebration of their undying devotion. Whether you are a fan of Sleeping Beauty or simply an unabashed romantic who believes love conquers all.