Red Riding Hood Painting by Tiago Azevedo Pop Surrealism Art

by Tiago Azevedo
Original - Sold
Not Specified
20.000 x 28.000 x 1.500 inches
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Red Riding Hood Painting by Tiago Azevedo Pop Surrealism Art
Tiago Azevedo
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A childhood classic, Little Red Riding Hood from the Brothers Grimm tells the story of a sweet young girl who has been sent on an errand by her mother, here she is shown in her signature red cloak against a blue background of a full moon right before she meets the wolf that distracts her and slow her down, pointing out the flowers her grandmother would enjoy. This painting has a delicate blurred brushwork and a jewel-like effect palette.
This portrayal of her in a pop surrealist manner captures the intense glance of someone who is surprised yet intrigued by the viewer, her sharp facial features make reference to the strength and power needed to face the wolf, defining her character. She is presented to the viewer in a royal pose showing her irreverence mixed with a sensuality that contrasts with the fragile nature of this character, her pose is framed by a full moon landscape that is often related to the mythology of the wolf. The contrast between the red of her cloak and the blue background puts her in an intended position of vulnerability as she has no way of blending into the landscape, this makes her inner power stand out for it is all that she can rely upon considering the danger that she is about to face.
The main character of the story and its namesake, Little Red Riding Hood is described in various versions as a sweet, young girl who was well-loved. She is outfitted in a red velvet cape, made for her by her grandmother, and she loves it so much that she refused to take it off. We don't know what her actual name is, thanks to the red cape. What we can guess from the story is that the girl is loving and obedient, since she's been sent on an errand by her mother. She must be trustworthy to carry out the task, but also innocent and naive because she's unafraid of the wolf when they first meet. It also takes her a bit to recognize the wolf pretending to be her grandmother once she reaches the house. When she does, she is scared. Once the woodsman comes to their rescue, we find out that both the girl and the grandmother return to their merry ways and eat the food she has delivered.
October 15th, 2020
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