Ecce Homo Presented to the Crowd

by Tiago Azevedo
Original - Sold
Not Specified
12.000 x 16.000 x 1.500 inches
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Ecce Homo Presented to the Crowd
Tiago Azevedo
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Ecce Homo is a depiction of the flagellated Christ presented to the masses by Pontius Pilate, whose visage, at the upper left, is a study of disdainful indifference. Restrained by ropes, his face bowed in gentle acceptance of his fate. Christ's nude body contorted with a physically impossible but not inelegant torsion is bathed in a golden light.
Consistent with the spiritually instructive goals of ecclesiastical art of the Counter-Reformation, everything in this painting is intended to heighten its emotional charge and to underline especially the contrast between the noble pathos of Christ's suffering and the black background which also informs the compositional structure. There is no illusion of deeply receding space in an atmosphere of dramatic emotionalism and expansive theatricality with a soft, light brushstroke.
The concept of the Christ in Christianity originated from the concept of the messiah in Judaism. Christians believe that Jesus is the messiah foretold in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.
December 26th, 2017
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Tiago Azevedo
Ecce Homo Presented to the Crowd Painting by Tiago Azevedo Ecce Homo is a depiction of the flagellated Christ presented to the masses by Pontius Pilate, whose visage, at the upper left, is a study of disdainful indifference. Restrained by ropes, his face bowed in gentle acceptance of his fate. Christ's nude body contorted with a physically impossible but not inelegant torsion is bathed in a golden light. Consistent with the spiritually instructive goals of ecclesiastical art of the Counter-Reformation, everything in this painting is intended to heighten its emotional charge and to underline especially the contrast between the noble pathos of Christ's suffering and the black background which also informs the compositional structure. There is no illusion of deeply receding space in an atmosphere of dramatic emotionalism and expansive theatricality with a soft, light brushstroke. The concept of the Christ in Christianity originated from the concept of the messiah in Judaism. Christians believe that Jesus is the messiah foretold in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.