Angel Gabriel Painting by Tiago Azevedo Pop Surrealism Art

by Tiago Azevedo
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28.000 x 40.000 x 2.000 inches
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Angel Gabriel Painting by Tiago Azevedo Pop Surrealism Art
Tiago Azevedo
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Religious themes still causes the audience a lot of strong and bright feelings and underlines the quivering and subtle attitude to the issues of faith and spiritual salvation.
According to the Bible, angels are creatures created by God for spiritual ministry, they are endowed with tremendous knowledge about the world and human psychology, have special abilities to penetrate space and time, and perform certain functions in the service of the Lord. As follows from Genesis, the Psalter, the Gospel, people are angels in a human, usually masculine manner, but the Bible warns to make unequivocal judgments about their nature, since all these testimonies are rare and most often are human speculation.
In the painting The Angel, naked in a forest with a flower on her hands is taking the center stage. The face is expressing kindness and serenity, indicating the Kingdom of Heaven that spills onto the canvas. And if you look at the picture from afar, it seems that the figure of the angel dissolves against the background of the forest, and the beautiful wings, carefully drawn, belong to this heavenly creature.
April 8th, 2017
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Tiago Azevedo
Angel Gabriel in the Enchanted Woods Painting by Tiago Azevedo Religious themes still causes the audience a lot of strong and bright feelings and underlines the quivering and subtle attitude to the issues of faith and spiritual salvation. According to the Bible, angels are creatures created by God for spiritual ministry, they are endowed with tremendous knowledge about the world and human psychology, have special abilities to penetrate space and time, and perform certain functions in the service of the Lord. As follows from Genesis, the Psalter, the Gospel, people are angels in a human, usually masculine manner, but the Bible warns to make unequivocal judgments about their nature, since all these testimonies are rare and most often are human speculation. In the painting The Angel, naked in a forest with a flower on her hands is taking the center stage. The face is expressing kindness and serenity, indicating the Kingdom of Heaven that spills onto the canvas. And if you look at the picture from afar, it seems that the figure of the angel dissolves against the background of the forest, and the beautiful wings, carefully drawn, belong to this heavenly creature.